Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Old miscellany

I had to look that one up, and good thing I did too, turns out I didn't know how to spell miscellany correctly. I thought it was miscelaney for some reason. And, actually, I really prefer my spelling still even though it is incorrect. But I will try to remember the correct spelling in the future.

I found a few things that I'd meant to share on the blog but didn't get around to before my five months of silence. So, here they are.

First we start with...

you guessed it! Another unfinished patchwork quilt top.
I do expect to return to it eventually, it's just that other things are more pressing right now, like the paper photo quilt show that I want to do.

Next, this is a little project I did one day after my husband again bemoaned the fact that we didn't have curtains for our little sweet little storage thingy. He'd said red or black so I did a little of both - sheer black over red.

Some detail. I love hanging loose threads. 

There are some quilters out there, I know, who would probably have a heart attack over my sloppy sewing style and aesthetic. I can be fairly neat, as you can see in the top photo of the orange and blue square, even when working with difficult, non-cotton materials, it's just not what I prefer. I find it boring mostly.

This beast is my outdoor quilt made from 100% reused materials. 

Most of the fabric was given to me or came from old clothes. Some, like the blanket that I used for batting, came from the Good Will outlet store. My friend loaned me her curved quilting safety pins. Unfortunately, I still haven't finished quilting it so she hasn't gotten them back yet. I guess if she asks for them back I'll have some motivation to finish it up really quickly.

I'm not doing traditional quilting on this one. Instead, I'm using embroidery floss to sew on all of the circles and that will hold it together.

Here you can see one of the circles sewed on and a great book we got from the library. In the spring, before it got too hot, we'd sit outside on the quilt while I sewed the circles on and take breaks by reading books. The cooler days are on their way again and then maybe I'll finish this blanket.

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